Boolean values in an Event Handler
By Kit
While researching a bug with editing in datasheet view and a custom list event handler, I discovered strange behavior with boolean values. Any boolean value you get from the SPItemEventDataCollection depends on where the item was originally edited: either using the regular user interface (EditForm.aspx, NewForm.aspx) or using datasheet view.
Here is the code to get a boolean item out of the list:
private static bool GetItemColumnAsBoolean(SPItemEventDataCollection item, string columnName)
bool value = false;
if (null != item[columnName])
string booleanString = item[columnName].ToString();
// values are different in datasheet view
if (null != booleanString)
booleanString = booleanString.ToLower().Trim();
switch (booleanString)
case "-1": // user changed a boolean field to true in datasheet
case "1": // field was already true in the item after a datasheet edit
case "true": // normal edit (not using datasheet)
value = true;
return value;
When an item was edited using the datasheet view you will be returned integer values:
- 0 for False
- -1 if the user clicks the checkbox in datasheet view and saves
- 1 if there was a boolean value anywhere in the item (and its value was already true)
Normally, you are just returned “True” or “False”.